Our privacy policy explains what we store, how we store and how we handle your personal data.

We abide by the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), which gives you new and enhanced rights regarding the personal data we hold and how we handle that data.

At any time you can request to see what data we store and you can request that this data be either updated or removed from our records.

Data held

We may hold your personal and/or work mobile number and/or your work email address. This will be used for the sole purpose of conducting business between yourself and Ski 3 Up Limited and is never passed on or processed to any third party.

The data may be held on our business mobile, which is secured by a pin-password and is not accessible by any third party.

The data may be held on our computer database, which is secured with password protection and is not accessible by any third party.

The data may be held on paper documents, which are stored in a lockable facility and is not accessible by any third party. If documents contain personal customer information (such as home address, phone number, email address), we will obtain your consent at the time of collecting this data so that this information can be held for the purpose of business (such as placing an order) and once the business transaction is complete and the current ski season is ended, this data will be deleted.

Orders that are placed through our website may contain information that you will have provided when placing the order. This data is protected by password access and is not accessible by any third party.

Collecting data will occur

  • When we contact a ski trip leader of a school and this will be for the sole purpose of providing our company services to your school.
  • When we take an order at a school or at a village hall sale day from a direct customer – data will be recorded in our order book, which will have a printed statement from Ski 3 Up Ltd and a signature will be required from the customer, therefore giving consent to hold that data for a period of time.
  • When an order is placed by a customer through our website – this data is provided by the customer and the website is password protected and not accessible by any third party. The data is used by Ski 3 Up Ltd solely to complete the order and is not used in any other way nor passed onto any third party.


If we currently hold your personal and/or work mobile number or email address we shall request your consent to continue to do so.

If we request new mobile numbers and/or work mobile numbers or email addresses we shall obtain your consent to hold this data for the purposes of business at the point of request.

Any orders that are placed in paper format will have an area for consent to be given with the understanding that personal data can be held for processing the order and when the current ski season is ended, this data will be deleted. We hold your data as a contractual obligation in order to complete the transaction.

Legal compliance

If the law requires us to, we may pass details of people involved in fraud or other criminal activity to law enforcement.

Protection of data

Data held on our business mobile is secured by a pin password, which is only accessible to the Directors of Ski 3 Up Ltd.

Data held on our computer documents are secured by passwords, which are only accessible to the Directors of Ski 3 Up Ltd and are not on a shared public computer.

Data held on paper documents are stored in a lockable facility which is private, and not accessible to any third party or member of the general public.

How long is data held?

If you require your data to be deleted by us, you have the right to request that.

If data is required to complete a business transaction – for example, an order – Ski 3 Up Ltd will hold that data until both parties are satisfied that the transaction is complete and that the current ski season is ended. That data will then be destroyed – Ski 3 Up Ltd will shred personal data and then burn it.

Sharing of data

Ski 3 Up Ltd do not share any personal data. The data is held purely for the purpose of business between ‘us’ and ‘you’. We do not interact with any third party for any purpose.

Your rights

You have the right to be informed that we hold certain personal data

You have the right to access and should you wish to see what data we hold, you may contact us to request this

You have the right to rectification and should you wish to update the data we hold, you may contact us

You have the right to erasure and should you wish for your data to be removed from our records, you may contact us to request this

You have the right to restriction of processing. Please be advised that we only hold data for business purposes between yourself and Ski 3 Up Limited. We do not process your data for any other purpose and do not share your data with any third party

Data portability. Your data is stored on either our business mobile phone, our business computer or our paper records. Your data is not transferred to any other system that could be shared with any third party

You have the right to object and should you wish to, you may contact us